Istituto Marangoni: Pitching Editorial Ideas
Now more than ever, in an ever-changing industrial landscape, magazines remain the perfect platform to express individual identity and let creative ideas flourish. In an industry dominated by quick content produced for social media, what is the key to producing lasting results where a professional vision can flourish?
Interdisciplinary research, combined with extensive knowledge of timeless fashion, seasonal trends and clear production skills are the key tools to transform any idea into an exciting fashion concept ready to launch into the publishing industry.
Based on the premise that life is the only art form that is universal, democratic and available for everyone to explore: this webinar presents a simple and straightforward methodology for bringing ideas to a fashion editorial.
From who… Nicola Favaron has worked as a photographer, creative consultant, content creator and educator for 15 years. After graduating in Law and receiving a general humanistic education, he graduated from the Istituto Italiano di Fotografia in Milan where he developed a career in the industry, working mainly in advertising, editorial portraiture and consulting for magazines and international brands.
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