8 October 2020
News from Inside
Domus Academy presented News from Inside, webinar healed by Elisa Poli during the Design Week Argentina.
October 8th 2020. The Buenos Aires Design Week online edition organized a series of design talks and FAD Connection invited Elisa Poli, Italian Architect and tutor of Domus Academy Milan to present an overview of the main destines, masterpieces and design products that makes the “made in Italy”. Elisa Poli Co-funder of Cluster Theory Research Group, is an architectural historian, critic and curator. She received her Ph.D in 2009 in Architectural History from the Universityé Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She has co-authored or contributed to several books about contemporary architecture theory, including Hybrid Living. She joined Domus Academy´s faculty in 2014 as course leader of the Master in Urban Vision and Architectural Design
The one hour webinar transported the viewers to the heart of Italians Design.
For further information please contact FAD Connection ask@fadconnection.com