Design Your Future : X :

Want to apply to university and you don’t know where to start? Need a boost in creating your portfolio, curriculum and motivation letter? Just graduated and not sure what's next? Ready to enhance your skills and ignite your creativity? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you're in the right place!

  • [ Read ] A Rainbow Full of Flowers. BOOK

    By Paula Codoner

    USD 35
    [ read ]
  • [ Read ] Book Book. BOOK

    By Yuchen Chang, Myungah Hyon

    USD 40
    [ read ]
  • [ Read ] Toilets a Go Go! BOOK

    By Hidefumi Nakamura

    USD 25
    [ read ]
  • [ Read ] You Felt the Roots Grow. BOOK

    By Sabine Hess

    USD 50
    [ read ]
  • [ Meet ] FAD Advisor: Want to study photography and film?

    Meet your education advisor and discover available courses

    [ meet ]
  • [ Read ] Creative process with Father Bronques

    A collection of films and essays to help creatives get to their next level.

    USD 195
    [ read ]
  • [ Read ] Learn to build your personal brand

    An essential toolkit to build your personal brand, whether you aim to start your own business or elevate your position in the industry.

    USD 100
    [ read ]
  • [ Watch ] Learn Creativity and Flim with David Lynch

    David Lynch teaches his unconventional process for translating visionary ideas into film and other art forms.

    USD 120
    [ watch ]
  • [ Meet ] Analía Sirabonian: How to develop a portfolio in photography

    A guide to design an impactful portfolio

    USD 150
    [ meet ]
  • [ Watch ] Learn Film Scoring with Hans Zimmer

    From collaborating to scoring, Hans Zimmer teaches you how to tell a story with music in exclusive video lessons

    USD 120
    [ watch ]
  • [ Watch ] Learn Filmmaking with Werner Herzog

    Werner Herzog teaches his uncompromising approach to documentary and feature filmmaking.

    USD 120
    [ watch ]
  • [ Watch ] Learn Photography with Annie Leibovitz

    Annie brings you into her studio and onto her shoots to teach you everything she knows about portraiture and telling stories through images.

    USD 120
    [ watch ]
  • [ Watch ] Capture your vision through Photography

    Become the photographer you’ve always envisioned yourself to be with Petra Collins.

    USD 120
    [ watch ]